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Funeral Flowers

At Forget Me Not Florist, we understand that losing a family member, friend, or loved one is never easy. Flowers can be a meaningful way to express your condolences during such difficult times.

Our Funeral Tributes collection offers a wide range of options, from simple and elegant bouquets, pillows, and floral tributes to sprays, wreaths, and personalised letter arrangements. We recognise the sensitivity of the occasion, and our team of florists will handle your order with care and professionalism, delivering throughout Neath and the surrounding areas.

If you would like to discuss your specific needs, please call us at 01639 631933 – we're here to assist you.

Lilac purple spray
Pink single ended spray
Lily and blue rose spray
Single Ended Spray SYM-301
Single Ended Spray SYM-302
Single Ended Spray SYM-303
Single Ended Spray SYM-305
Single Ended Spray SYM-306
Single Ended Spray SYM-307
Modern Tied Sheaf
Double Ended Spray SYM-313
Daffodil casket spray